Hello, My name is Pedro Padierna co-founder and chief investment officer of CYStein. Years ago, I started investing my money to start my journey into financial independence. To do so, I enlisted one of the leading financial advisory companies in the world.
They sold me a very sophisticated and high-performance portfolio, at least that is what they told me. At the time, I felt very confident I did the “right thing” for my life savings. I hired a "professional".
To make a long story short, their promises of big returns never materialized. There were always excuses about timing and market conditions. Meanwhile, they were taking big fees thru a system that was largely hidden.
I quickly learned the big problem with the financial industry. There is a lot more money for the advisor than there is for the investor.
I am originally from Mexico. I attended school in the UK and the USA and now live in Switzerland. I started my professional career in the corporate world, working for one of the largest global corporations. It gave me the opportunity to live and work in many countries around the world.
My original attempt to invest my money lead to many of the frustrating realizations you may have endured.
Welcome to CYStein where we have created a fair, sustainable, and responsible environment for investors.
This website is operated and maintained by CYStein Management LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor (CRD# 290365 / SEC# 801-112087).
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