The investment industry makes a lot of money by making things complicated and hard to understand. Sadly most other financial advisers are more concerned with endless fees and keeping information secret. Over the decades investors have come to accept that's just he way it is.
We disagree. CYStein believes simplicity, transparency, and very low fees are the keys to success for our clients. Instead of focusing on ways to enrich ourselves, we keep our sights focused on helping our clients earn the returns you deserve.
We don't take the usual Wall Street approach where advisers get rich and customers don't. CYStein empowers you to get the most from the markets with sustainable and responsible strategies.
Above all, we keep it simple. If you cannot explain a strategy simply, it means you don't understand it well. We go the extra mile to make sure our communications and methods are simple, well thought out, and easy to understand
The stock market is a positive-sum game, as long as there is human progress, markets will reflect it. This is why we believe this long-term highly diversified strategy works.
If you are interested in knowing more about our investing philosophy, we recommend the following reads:
Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders
By Warren Buffet
The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns
By John C. Bogle
A Random Walk down Wall Street: The Time-tested Strategy for Successful Investing
By Burton G. Malkiel
This website is operated and maintained by CYStein Management LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor (CRD# 290365 / SEC# 801-112087).
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