In line with our philosophy we have created different portfolios that give you the exact amount of stability or volatility you are comfortable.
Growth Portfolios ⍰
A low volatility growth portfolio. Created for those looking for global and industry diversification. This is best for investors wanting long term growth.
Key Facts:
Instruments: ETFs
Asset Class: Equity and Bonds
Region: Global
Mean Return: 9.04% (Last 30 years)
Standard Deviation: 10.18% (Last 30 years)
Total Management Fee: 0.45%
Brokerage Fees: click here
Minimum investment: 10,000 USD
A medium volatility growth portfolio. Created for those looking for U.S. only exposure and U.S. only industry diversification. Again, this is meant for investors wanting long term growth.
Key Facts:
Instruments: ETFs
Asset Class: Equity and Bonds
Region: USA
Mean Return: 11.60% (Last 30 years)
Standard Deviation: 11.16% (Last 30 years)
Total Management Fee: 0.45%
Brokerage Fees: click here
Minimum investment: 10,000 USD
A high volatility growth portfolio. Want more adventure? This portfolio is optimized for investors wanting very long term adventurous growth.
Key Facts:
Instruments: Leveraged ETFs
Asset Class: Equity and Bonds
Region: USA
Standard Deviation: 0.91% YTD 17'
Total Management Fee: 0.45%
Brokerage Fees: click here
Minimum investment: 10,000 USD
Income Portfolios ⍰
A low volatility income portfolio that combines a diversified portfolio of equities and bonds that deliver a constant income while preserving capital.
Key Facts:
Instruments: ETFs
Asset Class: Equity and Bonds
Region: USA
Mean Return: 7.23% (Last 30 years)
Standard Deviation: 8.33% (Last 30 years)
Total Management Fee: 0.45%
Brokerage Fees: click here
Minimum investment: 10,000 USD
Optional Annual Yield: from 3% to 5%
A medium volatility income portfolio that uses a combination of equities, real estate, and high yield bonds to deliver a constant inflation protected income.
Key Facts:
Instruments: ETFs
Asset Class: Equity and Bonds
Region: Global
Mean Return: 8.08% (Last 30 years)
Standard Deviation: 11.44% (Last 30 years)
Total Management Fee: 0.45%
Brokerage Fees: click here
Minimum investment: 10,000 USD
Optional Annual Yield: from 3% to 5%
We help you build your made-to-measure portfolio. It can be based on your specific needs and objectives for a portfolio that perfectly fits your personality and goals.
Total Management Fee: 0.45%
Brokerage Fees: click here
Minimum investment: 10,000 USD
Let's get you started! Click "Start Investing Now" to express your interest. We can schedule a no-obligation consultation that quickly puts you on your way to smarter, more cost-effective investing.
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